My experience in Xcaret, Mexico | Riviera Maya Travel Blog

My experience in Xcaret Part 1

By Haydé Escalante

It was our first time in Xcaret and we weren’t sure what to expect. We heard amazing reviews about the attraction but we didn’t know what it was all about. As soon as we crossed the entrance we were immersed in its magical and captivating ambience.

Beach Xcaret - Riviera Maya Travel Blog

A day before leaving the gorgeous Riviera Maya,we decided to visit Xcaret (pronounced: Esh-ka-ret), an eco-archaeological park whose goal is to conserve and share Mexican culture with guests. The park is located in the jungle, right next to the Caribbean Sea. It features both environments, creating a unique experience for all visitors.

It was our first time here and we weren’t sure what to expect. We heard amazing reviews about the attraction but we didn’t know what it was all about. As soon as we crossed the entrance we were immersed in its magical and captivating ambience. I highly recommend taking a look at the map and planning the spots you want to visit since the park is big and there’s lot to see.

We started with the Macaw Center; they have macaws of all sizes and ages. Xcaret’s Regional Wildlife Breeding Farm takes care of over 24 species of regional birds that are in danger of extinction due to the abuse of their habitats. Near the bird shelter you will find more animals to see, like the jaguar, spider monkey, manatee, raccoons and the exotic tapir.

Macaw Center xcaret - Riviera Maya Travel Blog

We visited the underground wine cellar, which it is considered to be one of the biggest collections of Mexican wine. We didn’t have time but on my next visit I’m planning to book a dinner here, it looks like such a lovely experience. I advise you to visit the Mexican Popular Cultural Museum- it contains memorabilia that are key to understanding Mexican contemporary culture.

Later on it was time for the aquarium. Having travelled to different cities with an animal- lover friend I have visited several beautiful aquariums, but this one didn’t disappoint me at all. They have an extensive showcase of marine species, from dolphins to white sharks; not to mention that the indoor part is very interactive. You can touch different sea creatures and learn about the turtle embryo process.

 Aquarium Xcaret - Riviera Maya Travel Blog

After all the walking we wanted to be refreshed so we decided it was time for the underground river tour –my favorite part! We left our personal belongings in a registered blue bag which the staff transported to the end of the journey – a great service, I must say.

Once we picked up our life jackets the adventure started. We chose the tour that is a mixture of open-air and cave; the water was cold, so after feeling brave enough we jumped in. The trip is gorgeous, you get to see colorful fish and mangroves and swim around a beautiful jungle landscape and through caves. FYI, be prepared for a 45-minute to one hour swimming workout, although it is totally worth it!

snorkel xcaret - Riviera Maya Travel Blog

I couldn’t help but keep writing about such a magical place. There is so much to tell, so stay tuned for the second part of this amazing adventure! Meanwhile, share your trips with us! Have you been to Mexico? Where did you go?


¿Buscas la versión en español?

My experience in Xcaret part 2 

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