Riviera Maya Blog

France Celabrates Mexico's Bicentenary

Restaurant Piaf at Grand Velas Riviera Maya celebrates the Bicentenary of Mexico with a magnificent menu specially confectioned for this National festivity.

France celebrates Mexico´s Bicentenary

French-Mexican Tasting Menu at Piaf restaurant of Grand Velas Riviera Maya Hotel

Amuse bouche

-Pacific Shrimp Agua chile in yellow lime juice over creamy and mentholated cucumber bed, Provencal alioli, roasted garlic bread (you may order this dish on different levels of spiciness)

-Fried wheat Taquitos filled with, stroganoff tongue, queen style lobster, leg of lamb Marengo style, frisée salad in pipián vinaigrette, sour cream au fine herbs, champagne sauce and habanero pepper infusion

-Sautéed Red Snapper au black butter, white butter sauce with a touch of cilantro and salted pumpkin seed, roasted fresh water shrimp in orange dust, escamoles cooked au Huauzontle flower perfume, white truffle drops.

-Green tomatillo and Grey Goose Vodka neutralizing drink

-Venison loin marinated in red wine and tequila, sauce with the same reduction and almonds, concentrated morrilla juice, cristophines dauphinois gratin, shallot compote au agave honey.

-Black mole Soufflé au Grand Marnier

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