100% Occupancy Expected for Spring Break in Cancun

100% Occupancy Expected for Spring Break in Cancun

by Manuel Calderon de la Barca

The Cancun Association of Vacation Clubs (Acluvac) expects occupancy of 100% during the upcoming Spring Break. This they attribute to a reactivation of the North American economy in the last three months, which translated into 20% more sales compared with the 2010 numbers, indicated Patricia de la Peña, president of the organization.

The financial recuperation of our northern neighbor will doubtlessly be of assistance to vacation clubs in their return to high sales and occupancy numbers, bringing them even higher than those seen in 2008.

“This is without a doubt a good year. The economy is a little more stable and this helps with the marketing of our product”, affirmed President de la Peña. Proof of this is that in the third month of 2011, the Association of Vacation Clubs reported 20% more sales, bringing sales higher than those seen in the same period of 2010.

De la Peña expects that for Spring Break occupancy will reach its maximum level, as aside from domestic tourists there will be large numbers of foreign tourists from the United States and Canada visiting the area. While the hotel industry expects about 80% occupancy, time shares expect to exceed that figure, with full occupancy expected during peak dates.

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