Authentic Mayan Weddings Now Offered at Grand Velas Riviera Maya

Authentic Mayan Weddings Now Offered at Grand Velas Riviera Maya

Authentic Mayan Weddings with Blessing from a Shaman, Ocean Offering, Mayan Song and Instrument Ceremony, and More at Grand Velas Riviera Maya

Playa del Carmen, Riviera Maya, Mexico (August 30, 2012) – Grand Velas Riviera Maya now offers a Mayan Wedding ceremony for couples interested in authentic wedding experiences on Mexico’s Caribbean Coast. The Mayan culture-infused wedding ceremony features sacred blessings from a Shaman, an ocean ritual, a Mayan song and instrument ceremony, and more. Guests have the chance to experience Riviera Maya’s oldest spiritual way of life with an intimate and unique ceremony on the beach or amongst the resort’s jungle setting.

Grand Velas Riviera Maya

A highlight of the Mayan ceremony is the Shaman’s blessing and union of the couple’s Tzolkins, the Mayan version of a horoscope calculated using each person’s name and date of birth to determine their individual potential and true vocation. Another memorable part of the ceremony, the Shaman honors the Mother Earth through the 7 directions (upward – cosmic energy, downward – mother earth, to the four winds and in the center – the heart, temple of love).

He invokes the energies to come down and unify the couple, and then asks the force of the ocean to wash away all negative energies the couple does not need. A sacred blessing follows, as well as a ceremony to join the couple’s hearts accompanied by Mayan song and native instruments.

Riviera Maya Wedding

Mayan Wedding Ceremonies at Grand Velas Riviera Maya start at $450 USD, for two people. Rate does not include hotel stay. Reservations must be made by March 31, 2013 and events may be held up to July 30, 2014.

For more information or booking, contact or visit

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