Blue crabs in Riviera Maya

Blue crabs in Riviera Maya

Things to do

Each year, the blue crab emerges from the mangroves to the warm shores of the Caribbean Sea with the purpose to spawn. This specie appears during late September to mid-October. Cancun’s Hotel Zone is the meeting place for this aquatic crustacean -some hotels offer spaces dedicated exclusively to it.

If you want to help these beautiful sea animals, you will have to carry gloves, buckets, phosphorescent vests, plastic shovels and portable lamps -some hotels offer this equipment to those who are willing to help to this noble cause.

Normally, in the camps, they give instructions of how to help these animals correctly without harming them. You will also have to learn how to identify females from males, since the first ones are the ones who need more help when putting the eggs into the ocean.If you visit the Nichupte lagoon, you will find plenty of them and you have to put them in the right spots.

Crabs are the only animal who are guided by the light of the full moon, therefore October is the perfect time of the year to observe these crustaceans do this mystical practice. To participate in the protection blue crab, visit the destination from mid-October to the last week of the month.

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