Encouraging the teaching of the Mayan language

Encouraging the teaching of the Mayan language

by Julieta Del Toro

mayaThe Mayan culture is an important part of the history and present civilization of the Yucatan Peninsula. In accordance with initiatives by the states of the Yucatan Peninsula and the Secretary of Education of Quintana Roo to permanently establish the teaching of the Mayan language in the basic education system, Grand Velas joins in the effort to spread the language as part of a the recreational activities offered at the resort.

 Every Wednesday and Friday at 11:00am Alfredo Pool, activities staff member and member of a family who has succeeded in preserving their Mayan heritage, will offer lessons in this ancestral language free to guests.  The classes will teach guests greetings, numbers, a few verbs, how to pose basic questions, and how to order food.

 This is an interesting way to learn more about the Mayan legacy and immerse yourself in the local culture while enjoying your days in this Mexican Caribbean Paradise.

 For more information please contact your concierge.

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