My Experience in Xcaret Part 2 | Riviera Maya Travel Blog

My Experience in Xcaret Part 2

By Haydé Escalante

Continuation of My Experience in Xcaret Part 1 …


We wanted to see the Mayan village so we headed towards it. As soon as we got there we were transported to the glorious ancient days. We saw the houses, the catacombs, the auditorium and so on; truly a unique exposure to what you have seen only in books.
MayanVillage Xcaret - Riviera Maya Travel Blog

Right after, we were ready to take our seats for the night show ‘México Espectacular.We heard it was an amazing show so I was particular excited to watch. The entrance to the theater is out of this world, the characters welcome you with incredible lighting, immersing you in the experience right away.

When you enter the theater they give you a candle, and before the show starts you light it: Suddenly the whole venue is dark, with the candles lighting the whole room –it is gorgeous. The show is an amazing production that can be compared to any Broadway or West End play. ‘México Spectacular’ has around 300 talented actors on stage every night; they show history of Mexico from the Mayan Empire to the Modern Days, constructing the identity of this country.

Mexico Espectacular Xcare - Riviera Maya Travel Blog
Suddenly the lights are off and the stage comes alive. The play takes you back to the Mayan era with the famous Mesoamerican ballgame in which the winning team was treated like heroes and then sacrificed to the Gods. Later a hockey-like game was represented- the only difference is that the ball was on fire, causing amusement in the audience.
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Then it was time for the Spaniards. They entered riding horses to the middle of the stage and a representation of the conquering was enacted –it was like my elementary history books were coming alive! The Independence and the Revolution couldn’t be missed- through live singing of emblematic songs for each event and the displaying of daily activities, you could understand the problems of these times.

Afterwards the most well-known states were represented with their traditional costumes and music: it is a very colorful artistic number that takes the audience’s breathe away. At the end of the show, I couldn’t help but be very proud of being Mexican and having such a rich heritage.

Xcaret - Riviera Maya Tavel  Blog

A day in this magical paradise won’t be enough, there’s so much ground to cover. If you have more time to visit the park I recommend getting the two-day ticket so you won’t have to rush through any of the activities they offer. Xcaret is definitely a must when visiting the Riviera Maya– you won’t believe the beauty that our Mother Nature has to offer us.


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