Four Stunning Cenotes in one Place: Ecopark Kantun Chi

Four Stunning Cenotes in one Place: Ecopark Kantun Chi


By Alexia Martinez

Explore the crystal clear waters of four cenotes (natural freshwater sinkholes) in Kantun Chi Ecopark on foot, kayaking, or snorkeling, while enjoying the magnificent flora and fauna.

Kantun Chi is an ecological park in the Riviera Maya; surrounded by tropical gardens and diverse wildlife home to spider monkeys, different bird species, raccoons, deer, and reptiles, but the main attraction here is the fresh water cenotes. Since the rain is filtered through the ground and rock, there are very few particles in suspension, producing crystal clear water.

Kantun Chi

Sas ka leen Ha: This is the largest cenote of the four and its name means“transparent water”. An interesting feature is a small Mayan shrine that was probably used in purification ceremonies by this ancient civilization.

Uch Ben Ha: A beautiful open-air cenote with colorful fish, perfect for snorkeling and enjoying a pleasant rest on the island of hammocks.

Zacil Ha: A breathtaking cenote that means “clear water” in Mayan,  where rays of light shine down through the limestone. It  is great for exploring and discovering the beauty of the natural formations and the clarity of its water.

Kantun Chi: This semi-open cenote is the first one found in the park. Perfect for relaxing, swimming, and snorkeling surrounded by striking tropical gardens.

Kantun Chi

Underground ponds are filled with transparent waters and a diversity of tropical fish.

The park also features a children’s playground with special activities just for them,  while they enjoy nature’s wonders. The site named “Grutaventura” is a wonderful recently-discovered underground cave  which has two cenotes connected by natural corridors.

These subterranean caves provided water to the ancient Mayans and local wildlife. The Mayans performed various rituals to “Chaac” the god of water, and believed that the cenotes could purify their souls, thus using them to collect water, to drink and bathe.

Explore the underground caverns of the ecopark while relaxing during a relaxing kayak ride or swimming in the mystical crystalline waters. Be part of a fantasy journey!

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