how to take care of your skin after your vacation |Riviera Maya Blog

How to Take Care of Your Skin after your Vacation


By Betsua Salazar

Translated by Nyima Bieber

After a few days at the beach and having spent hours in the sun your skin might be a little tan, a little burned or somewhere in between. How you take care of it post-vacation is extremely important, as the skin is one of your body’s main forms of protection. If you’re not sure how to take care of your skin after your vacation, here are four easy tips.  

1- Use Sun block

This first tip is not only a good way to care for your skin when you get home; it’s also a good preventative measure for next time. Applying sun block when you return will help you prevent any further damage; the next time you go to the beach, be sure to use sun block the entire time you’re exposed, no matter your skin tone. It will help protect you from harmful UV rays and keep your skin from drying out or peeling. Also, you’ll be surprised how much you can still tan through sun block.

2-Exfoliate your Skin

If you did end up with those annoying flakes of skin on your shoulders or face, a good exfoliation is the best way to buff off the skin. If you feel like being pampered you can get a full body exfoliation at a professional Spa. Or, if you have sensitive skin, you can do it at home with fine brown sugar or baking soda. Don’t scrub too hard- use soft, gentle motions to remove the dead cells that are already falling off.

3-Use an After-Sun Gel

After a good tanning session or some extended fun in the sun, an after-sun gel or simply natural aloe vera will not only hydrate but refresh your skin. If you’re really burned, use an after-sun gel with lidocaine to help take away the pain- this was a lifesaver for me during a vacation where I really abused my skin in the sun.

4-Hydrating Cream

The most common (but very effective) remedy is the continued use of hydrating skin cream. It helps to soften your skin as it promotes healing.

If you have a deep burn, don’t hesitate to consult a dermatologist– I’m telling you from experience, it can be very harmful and painful. There are special creams to help with a bad burn but you’ll need a professional prescription.

I hope this information helps you care for your skin the next time you go to the beach, or this time if you’re just getting back!

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