Mahahual, the peaceful side of Riviera Maya

Mahahual, the peaceful side of Riviera Maya

Things to do

Travelers looking forward to an oasis of relaxation, escaping from exhaustive nightlife and clubs, and the noise and stress of big cities, will find everything they wish in one place: Mahahual, a fishing village which name comes from a typical tree of the same name.

It is right on the municipality of Othon P. Blanco, Quintana Roo at about 34 miles from the divert of Highway 307 Cancun-Chetumal. This place gives an authentic opportunity to have a break, and despite the fact it has become a destination growing in interest by travelers around the world, it preserves the so longed tranquility, with the archetypal image of ships and vessels sailing the serene sea, while one contemplates with meditative mind from the dock.

A small town indeed, but full of vibrant life. Many activities await for lovers of ecotourism: guided tours to natural reserves, visits to the not-to-be-missed Laguna de los Siete Colores (Lagoon of seven colors), discovering the wide variety of animals living in this area while taking a stroll or doing scuba-diving by the coral reefs. Fans of aquatic activities can venture into the waters and visit Banco Chinchorro, the second largest coral island in the world.

Mahahual was affected by hurricane Dean back in 2007 and left an important damage to buildings, shops, houses, and the dock; it took several years to fully repair the town, and a huge reconstruction work was done, so much so that it looks as if nothing ever happened to this pretty place.

Now, another side of the Riviera Maya has been uncovered: a place where tranquility and paradise unite. Do not skip Mahahual on your plans during your next visit to Riviera Maya! To learn more about this tiny but awesome place, visit the official website:

 Photo credit: 40cañones

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