Riviera Maya, Memories of a Traveler

Riviera Maya, Memories of a Traveler

Things to do

It’s time to leave technology to the side. Not all memories you take from a city or town have to be palpable, sometimes people lose the best moments when they try to capture them on photo or video – nothing compares to seeing it without the interruption of a lens.

I invite you to leave your phone, tablet or camera in the hotel room, and go out to enjoy the wonders that Riviera Maya has for you! When you have the opportunity to travel to a destination like this, surrounded by mangroves, white sand and crystalline waters, it is worth doing it!

Here I list some moments that you should experience and revive over and over again! It’s the best souvenir you can take.

Watch the sunset or sunrise



One of the things I like the most! The magical combination of colors that the sun forms when it rises or falls, there’s nothing like seeing the reflection of this in the sea. It is one of the shows the only few people can appreciate.

Concerts and Venues


I made the mistake of recording my favorite song at a concert and not enjoy it all. I do not recommend you to do that, I really regret not jumping and shouting at this song.

See your beloved ones happy


Enjoy every moment with them during your vacation, avoid spending time stuck in your social media.

Underwater wonders


You will be able to visit natural and artificial aquatic ecosystems. To take a photo would be fine, but save this time for you too.

Learn or try something new


When traveling you learn tons! Whether new words or new sports like surf and flyboard, or new cuisine. If you travel somewhere new, keep trying different things: local restaurants, regional dishes; you will experience regional flavors, which can be a pleasant and delicious surprise.

It is a fact, is that you will return home with thousands of memories, experiences and more. Try to travel with less technology and enjoy live everything that happens around you. Every day is another opportunity to surprise you with all the wonders of this world.

Remember that the best memories are captured with your eyes and remain forever etched in memory.


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