Three Reasons to Take Time Off from Work
Por Haydé Escalante
We all love taking vacations once in a while to escape from our daily routines, but for some strange reason we aren’t doing it.
According to Expedia®, 59% of the American population feels vacation-deprived; and instead of taking all of their holiday time they only take 10 out of 14 given days. That, my friend, means that those four unused days are completely wasted doing daily tasks that I’m sure you don’t enjoy!
It is two weeks into the New Year so you still have plenty of time to plan your next trip. I’ll give you some valid reasons why you should take your entire two-week vacation.
1. Wake up your creativity
–Getting out of your place of work will totally stimulate your brain. Having a different atmosphere and scenario will help you to think out of the box and this can give you that boost to help you tackle THAT important project on your list of tasks. It’s been said that the best employees come up with their best ideas away from the desk, so now it is your turn! Get away for a while and come back with a killer idea.
–2. Recharge batteries
–Have you been feeling a little down, kind of like a grumpy cat? It’s time to take a rest and chill for a bit. Catch up on all your sleep and replenish the lack of rest. As a consequence, your levels of serotonin will go up and you will return a happy person –your coworkers will thank you. In addition, your productivity will increase; your focus will be sharper than ever and your attention to detail will be at 100 percent.

3. Revive your passions
–Most of the time when we get home from work we just want to sleep and not move at all. Having time off will allow you to spend time on your favorite hobbies; as a result you will return to work feeling renewed and as fresh as lettuce.

Whether you work in an office or from home is always important to have some time off from work and enjoy life’s simple pleasures. Remember, you deserve these holidays. You’ve worked hard all year long, so don’t feel guilty- you’ve earned it! I mean, no one has ever died and said “I wish I spent more time at the office”.
Start planning your 2014 break!– even the simple act of planning a vacation will make you feel better already.