11 travel tips for having a good flight 

11 travel tips for having a good flight

Travel Tips

  1. Buy your plane tickets 54 days in advanced

Doing a little research on how the prices are eventually changing, the best moment to buy a plane ticket is 54 days before the exact day of the flight. Then is the cheapest price.

  1. Have free wifi in the airport

When you are in the airport, write “?.jpg” at the end of any URL to avoid paying the expensive WIFI of the airport and have free access to the internet!


  1. You can also find cheap tickets between the week. Specially on Tuesdays

You will save 100 dlls or more. The ticket sellers increase the prices at the weekend to catch the impulsive buyers!


  1. Identify your luggage

Put a ribbon or any colorful object that recognize your luggage.

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  1. Be the Airport Hero

Take with you a cable extension to use it at the airport. You will not have to ask someone in a store to charge your phone and you can even meet new friends while sharing it!

  1. Enjoy the journey and book your seat by the window. If you travel with someone take the one next to the hallway

If the plane isn’t full you can ask the person next to you to sit in the sit that next to the hallway. Most people prefer to seat by the hallway or at the window, they will be very likely to accept change places with you.

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  1. Take a picture of your luggage

Don’t forget to have that picture in your cell phone in case your luggage gets lost.

  1. Any stomatch problem because of the turbulence?

Choose to fly in the morning at a seat in the middle of the airplane. The strong air currents and storms usually happens during the afternoon or at night. So if you seat in the middle, you will feel less turbulence.

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  1. No TV in your flight?

Place your cell or electronic device!

  1. Go through the security point the faster you can!

Choose the entrance on the left. Researches prooved that most people are right handed and tend to go to the right before thinking about going where there is not a big row of people waiting.

  1. Avoid the car rentals of the airport

It’s almost 2 times more expensive to rent a car at the airport. The best thing to do is to book a transfer online to your hotel or home. With Discovery Mundo you will save up to 35% over the rates available directly at the Airport.

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