How to pack light? - Grand Velas Riviera Maya

How to pack light?

vacations- Grand Velas Riviera Maya

By Haydé Escalante


“The measure of a good traveler is how light he or she travels.”

-Rick Steves

With the new airlines regulations concerning luggage, packing light is now a necessity. On the bright side, once you’ve tried it, it will be the only way for you to travel from now on; it gives you so much freedom!

Now you may be thinking: How to pack light? We have some great information on the benefits of carry-on luggage only; we can also help you pack light even if you don’t have a clue how to go about it- so grab your carry-on and let’s get started!

  • Saves Time When you Land

You don’t have to wait for your luggage at the airport. You can go directly to customs without any problem and start enjoying your holidays as soon as you hit the ground.

  • It’s Safer.

Since you’ll only have one bag, you will only have to look after a single, easy-to-manage piece of luggage. It will leave you with better control of your belongings and less paranoia, which helps lead to a stress-free trip.

  • Do Not Bring Extra Clothing.

There’s always the possibility of hand washing your clothes or having them laundered or dry cleaned. Avoid bringing an outfit for each day of your trip. In the end you probably won’t even wear half of the clothes you bring. Think of each item in terms of where you might be able to wear it, not whether you want to have it as an extra option.

  • Plan your Wardrobe.

Check your destination’s climate before packing; this way you will only bring what is absolutely necessary. If the weather tends to change in a matter of minutes, layer up so you can mix and match, creating original outfits that are suitable for any occasion.

  • Globalization!

One of the advantages we have as a generation is globalization– you can find the same brands of body and personal hygiene products almost everywhere in the planet. So if you are very loyal to a certain brand, it is very likely you will be able to find it in the place you are visiting. Going to a supermarket or pharmacy is also an excellent opportunity to get to know the culture a bit more- please do yourself a favor and don’t bring toiletries like it’s the end of the world.

On your next trip try packing light and let us know how it goes.

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