How to Stay Fit During your Summer Vacation| Riviera Maya Blog

How to Stay Fit During your Summer Vacation

Fitness - Riviera Maya Blog

By Haydé Escalante

Summer vacations are getting closer and closer and many of us are getting ready by eating well and going to the gym for our much-desired bikini body. You can also stay on the right path while enjoying your time away! Let’s have a look at how you can stick to your healthy plan, stay fit and make the most of your holidays.

Plan Ahead and Use Resort Amenities

Gym - Riviera Maya Blog

More and more hotels these days offer healthy fitness options. Make sure to book a hotel with a well-equipped fitness center and try to be an early bird; hit the treadmills or run on the beach before everyone in your family wakes up. You can also check the mini bar options and try to snack only on the healthiest options the resort offers. This will help you avoid overeating at lunch and dinner.

Stay Active

Stay Active - Riviera Maya Blog

During your family vacation you might not find much time alone, which can make it harder to keep up with your exercise routine. That being said, it doesn’t mean you have to stop for the entire week. I recommend including activities on your agenda that keep you on your fitness path such as biking, kayaking, walking around the city and so on. These activities can be substituted for your gym session and you’ll be having fun with your loved ones at the same time.

Enroll in a Fitness Event

5K- Riviera Maya Blog

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Include a fitness event in the destination as part of your vacation. Why not plan to run a marathon or a 5K? Not only will it keep you fit, it’s also a great opportunity to meet locals and explore something different. You’ll even get in shape preparing for them! These events are commonly held in spring, summer and fall- do your research and find one that’s happening around the time of your next getaway.

Here is the best tip of all: a happy body is a healthy body!  Enjoy your family, smile and share a laugh with those you care about most. Have a happy and healthy vacation!

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