What to Do on Your Next Business Trip? | Riviera Maya Travel Blog

What to Do on Your Next Business Trip?

By Haydé Escalante

You’re on a business trip but you have a little leisure time and you’re wondering how to make the most of it. Here are a few great activities to balance out a day spent in meetings.

Check Out the Destination’s Main Attractions

The best way to really learn about a destination and enjoy it to the fullest is to explore its most popular things to see. If possible, make an effort to do at least one touristy thing when you’re in a new place; it can even provide you with more energy for your other projects.

Another option is to ask a local, such as a business associate, to be your tour guide. He or she will know the best spots to go. Plus, it’s is a great ice breaker and will allow you to spend some time with them outside of the work environment.

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Keep Up your Healthy Routine

There’s no better way to boost your immune system than by working out in your spare time. It also reduces stress levels by releasing endorphins. Take advantages of your hotel’s gym, or if you aren’t an indoor exerciser try a walk or run on the beach.

Also, keep track of what you are eating. Try to maintain your eating regimen and opt for healthier alternatives that are similar to your daily diet back home. This doesn’t mean you can’t indulge   and try the different specialties the hotel has to offer, you’ll just want to return home refreshed instead of feeling guilty.

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Immerse Yourself in Local Culture

Take advantage of your business trip and its location to learn more about a new culture.  Even acquiring just a few key phrases will help you having a better connection with the locals. Also, be creative with your scheduling and meeting locations; this can provide the opportunity to do some exploring while doing business.

If you want to enjoy even more cultural exposure, try staying an extra day or two – especially if those days are weekends – and walk around the city or town. Eat in local restaurants, go to coffee shops, chat with people, go shopping, etc. All of this will help you enjoy your time to the fullest.

No matter where you go, take some time to experience something that’s unique about the place you are visiting– it will really help you appreciate the entire trip.

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Do you have any tips for enjoying business trips and new surroundings? What else would you add to this list? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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