From cacao to the chocolat in Riviera Maya

From cacao to the chocolat in Riviera Maya


Chocolate soothes the soul, cures the sorrow and makes days happier. Nothing compared to treating to a bar of this succulent delicacy. Whether milk, dark or white chocolate, all of them are exquisite pieces of heaven that it results incredible to believe they are made of just two products from cocoa: paste and butter.

Riviera Maya has been known for the importance they give to cocoa: from its inclusion on many traditional dishes to being used as currency in pre-Columbian era, serving as coin when exchanging for food and essential goodies for the everyday life. Cocoa seeds are produced by a tree called Theobroma cacao, meaning “Food for the gods” in Greek, which grows in warm and humid weathers and fruit, cacao pods, can contain up to 60 seeds or ‘beans’ when ripe.

The main use of this ingredient, discovered by ancient Mayans, was the once thought as divine, Drink of the gods -hot cocoa. Nowadays, chocolate today is traditionally used in many important events, such as accompanying Rosca de Reyes (Three Wise Men Roll Bread), or in the winter season.

Countless dishes and desserts -cakes, flan, muffins- that are found in the culinary traditions of Mexico use cocoa on their preparation. One of the most popular and representative may be Mole -a thick a tasteful sauce made out of chocolate, seeds and spices-, which is served with chicken and topped with sesame seeds. Whenever you try this magnificent dish, make sure you bring plenty of napkins, as it is a part of the tradition to end up with a stain on your clothes. But it is worth it the laundry service afterwards.

Don’t think twice. Come to Riviera Maya to delight yourself on the delicious gastronomy of the region.

Photo credit: cityexpress posta y marmorinforma

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